According to many of the traditions that honor the land and the seasons, winter is a time to slow down, go within, rest and reflect on the last three more active seasons.
This has been an exceptionally active and snow filled February here in Massachusetts and much of New England. And I must admit, I have turned into somewhat of a bear in the sense that I have been quiet and in somewhat of a hibernation mode.
This has been an exceptionally active and snow filled February here in Massachusetts and much of New England. And I must admit, I have turned into somewhat of a bear in the sense that I have been quiet and in somewhat of a hibernation mode.
Sometime in December I started to become very quiet. I found myself not talking much. I started questioning what was going on and why I had become so quiet. Even though I have experienced many periods like this before, I didn't like it. It felt different, weird and un-natural. It was a struggle. What I found was that when I spoke, what I had to say was necessary and important. A lot of complaining and drama that I was so use to - ceased. I stopped telling my "sad tales" to everyone, you know the 'woes is me' stuff. I was quiet and It was peaceful.
hmmmm...peaceful. In our Indy 500 paced society filled with noise, images, sounds, data, speed, tweets, updates, etc. sometimes it feels difficult to relax and disconnect from the busyness of our modern world. So we have to consciously carve out time to recharge, refresh, meditate, do something nice for ourselves, maybe even go on a retreat or actually take and enjoy our vacation time.
Too often, my mind fights what my body knows is the right path for me. And after much wrestling this winter, I finally am surrendering to the Silence and the peace winter brings.
Now, I'm not saying that we should all stop talking or communicating. Communication is important. This year I found that talking less has helped me to simplify my life even more. And being quiet, still and peaceful in this busy world, especially during the winter months, is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a gift. It gives us a chance to slow down, recharge, integrate the last three seasons and to prepare for the brightness and busyness of this much anticipated spring.
Some wisdom from the Tao: an ancient spiritual teaching.
"He who knows does not speak,
He who speaks does not know." - The Tao
What has this winter taught you about going within and being quiet?
hmmmm...peaceful. In our Indy 500 paced society filled with noise, images, sounds, data, speed, tweets, updates, etc. sometimes it feels difficult to relax and disconnect from the busyness of our modern world. So we have to consciously carve out time to recharge, refresh, meditate, do something nice for ourselves, maybe even go on a retreat or actually take and enjoy our vacation time.
Too often, my mind fights what my body knows is the right path for me. And after much wrestling this winter, I finally am surrendering to the Silence and the peace winter brings.
Now, I'm not saying that we should all stop talking or communicating. Communication is important. This year I found that talking less has helped me to simplify my life even more. And being quiet, still and peaceful in this busy world, especially during the winter months, is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a gift. It gives us a chance to slow down, recharge, integrate the last three seasons and to prepare for the brightness and busyness of this much anticipated spring.
Some wisdom from the Tao: an ancient spiritual teaching.
"He who knows does not speak,
He who speaks does not know." - The Tao
What has this winter taught you about going within and being quiet?