Anastasia's Bio

Anastasia Papanikolaou is an herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist, healer, teacher, speaker & blogger. She is a creator of gem, flower and seashell essences and various other herbal products. She has been practicing since 2000 and has a passion for teaching and inspiring others towards better health.
Anastasia's passion is to facilitate a safe space for clients to choose healing and to move
forward in their lives. She works as an Unlimited Body Practitioner to assist people in
achieving their goals.
Unlimited Body is a gentle, hands-on healing technique that allows people to choose permanent health. Whether you have a physical ailment, emotional stress, mental strain or discomfort, feel stuck in a pattern, or have a desire to move in a new direction with your life, Unlimited Body can safely and easily assist you.
Everything can be healed.
Unlimited Body Practitioners have seen it all: scars can disappear, pain can stop, tissue can
be rejuvenated and regenerate.
There are NO Limits.
Anastasia's passion is to facilitate a safe space for clients to choose healing and to move
forward in their lives. She works as an Unlimited Body Practitioner to assist people in
achieving their goals.
Unlimited Body is a gentle, hands-on healing technique that allows people to choose permanent health. Whether you have a physical ailment, emotional stress, mental strain or discomfort, feel stuck in a pattern, or have a desire to move in a new direction with your life, Unlimited Body can safely and easily assist you.
Everything can be healed.
Unlimited Body Practitioners have seen it all: scars can disappear, pain can stop, tissue can
be rejuvenated and regenerate.
There are NO Limits.
A little bit about Anastasia Papanikolaou:
Anastasia experienced many successes early on in life. She enjoyed and excelled in school and was very
involved and active with music, art and extracurricular activities while growing up. When Anastasia went to
university, she experienced a deep depression and extreme homesickness which lasted her entire college career.
Once completing studies at the University of Vermont, she returned home to Massachusetts to discover the
next part of her life.
The deep sadness and depression did not go away. At this point, the pain had moved into her emotional, physical,
mental and social life. Working became more and more difficult, less time was spent on social and fun activities
and her physical body plain hurt all over. Anastasia began exploring alternative and holistic forms of therapy
for her own peace of mind in 1999. She tried many, many healing modalities, including, yoga, nutrition, herbs,
meditation, chiropractic services, massage therapy, acupuncture, colonics, ayurvedic treatments and reiki.
In the process, Anastasia studied Reiki, Shamballa and Ear Coning and became a practitioner of all three
modalities. She became a teacher of Shamballa and Ear Coning and taught these modalities for several years.
It was during 2003 that Anastasia discovered Unlimited Body and started to finally feel some relief from the
extreme pain her body was undergoing. She knew that when her body and mind were ready to cooperate,
she would study this modality and share this gift with others. In 2004, she began her training of Unlimited Body.
She completed her training in 2005 and has been practicing Unlimited Body ever since.
The key about this work, that the other modalities did not offer, is that Unlimited Body understands that whole
healing comes when our mental body, spirit body, emotional body AND physical bodies are all addressed and
cared for. A good, strong healthy physical body is only as strong as its emotional status. A strong physical body
is only as strong as its mental outlook and beliefs about life. All four bodies have to be fully inflated and vibrant,
just as a car works best and at its ultimate capacity when ALL four tires are fully inflated.
Unlimited Body saved, changed and gave back Anastasia her life. It is a very powerful healing modality that allows
your own body to heal itself. It is miraculous work that is available and accessible for everyone.
We invite you to try Unlimited Body and allow for the fullness of yourself to shine through.
Anything that you have ever dreamed of IS possible and it is awaiting you RIGHT NOW.
You, We are all Unlimited Beings and we can have and do anything we wish.
Truly this life is meant to be Unlimited in every sense.
Are you ready to discover your Unlimited Self?
Anastasia experienced many successes early on in life. She enjoyed and excelled in school and was very
involved and active with music, art and extracurricular activities while growing up. When Anastasia went to
university, she experienced a deep depression and extreme homesickness which lasted her entire college career.
Once completing studies at the University of Vermont, she returned home to Massachusetts to discover the
next part of her life.
The deep sadness and depression did not go away. At this point, the pain had moved into her emotional, physical,
mental and social life. Working became more and more difficult, less time was spent on social and fun activities
and her physical body plain hurt all over. Anastasia began exploring alternative and holistic forms of therapy
for her own peace of mind in 1999. She tried many, many healing modalities, including, yoga, nutrition, herbs,
meditation, chiropractic services, massage therapy, acupuncture, colonics, ayurvedic treatments and reiki.
In the process, Anastasia studied Reiki, Shamballa and Ear Coning and became a practitioner of all three
modalities. She became a teacher of Shamballa and Ear Coning and taught these modalities for several years.
It was during 2003 that Anastasia discovered Unlimited Body and started to finally feel some relief from the
extreme pain her body was undergoing. She knew that when her body and mind were ready to cooperate,
she would study this modality and share this gift with others. In 2004, she began her training of Unlimited Body.
She completed her training in 2005 and has been practicing Unlimited Body ever since.
The key about this work, that the other modalities did not offer, is that Unlimited Body understands that whole
healing comes when our mental body, spirit body, emotional body AND physical bodies are all addressed and
cared for. A good, strong healthy physical body is only as strong as its emotional status. A strong physical body
is only as strong as its mental outlook and beliefs about life. All four bodies have to be fully inflated and vibrant,
just as a car works best and at its ultimate capacity when ALL four tires are fully inflated.
Unlimited Body saved, changed and gave back Anastasia her life. It is a very powerful healing modality that allows
your own body to heal itself. It is miraculous work that is available and accessible for everyone.
We invite you to try Unlimited Body and allow for the fullness of yourself to shine through.
Anything that you have ever dreamed of IS possible and it is awaiting you RIGHT NOW.
You, We are all Unlimited Beings and we can have and do anything we wish.
Truly this life is meant to be Unlimited in every sense.
Are you ready to discover your Unlimited Self?